[Tex/LaTex] How to automatically escape special characters in your own environment


I need to create my environment for examples of source codes. I want it to look like this:

Code example:


# This is the code example

echo 'Hello'


The problem is, that I don't know, how to force it to escape special characters (hash especially) automatically, so the users don't have to type backslash every time they want to write the hash.

My code


Code example:\\

This code is working well, untill I want to write any special character inside of the environment, then I'm getting this error:

! Paragraph ended before \terminalText was complete.

I've even tried to make some kind of wrapper to the verbatim environment, according to the question verbatim useable with a newenvironment definition?, but it's giving me this error:

! LaTeX Error: \begin{codeExample} on input line 535 ended by \end{verbatim}.

My 2nd code

Code Example:\\

Best Answer

Using verbatim package the code for the second example works out of the box (if dashrule package is included as well)



Code Example:\\



# This is the code example

echo 'Hello'


enter image description here

Please consider listings package as a 'better' and cleaner way to typeset code examples.

Edit Here's an example with the tcolorbox output for listings.




Code Example:\\


\newtcblisting[auto counter]{codeex}[1][]{%
  auto outer arc,
  title={Code Example \thetcbcounter},
  listing options={language=bash},
  listing only,
  before upper=\hdashrule[0.5ex]{\textwidth}{0.9pt}{1.5mm},
  after upper=\hdashrule[0.5ex]{\textwidth}{0.9pt}{1.5mm}


# This is the code example

echo 'Hello'

echo 'Hello' 



enter image description here

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