[Tex/LaTex] How to handle special characters in LaTeX


I am working on one file which has some special chacters.

    König IR   : KA}unig ,K ~ A}unig 
%          : Comment in latex (so no text after this %)
-          : escape

I get different output which seems to be very funny. How can i handle such characters in LaTeX?

Best Answer


%\def\verbatim@font{\normalfont\fontfamily{ua1}\selectfont}  % verbatim in Arial


König IR   : KA}unig ,K ~ A}unig 
%          : Comment in latex (so no text after this %)
-          : escape

\begin{tabular}{@{} p{2cm} @{\,:\,} l }
König IR   & KA\}unig ,K \textasciitilde\ A\}unig \\
\%         & Comment in latex (so no text after this \%)\\
-          & escape
\end {tabular}


enter image description here

and the same with arial for verbatim:

enter image description here