[Tex/LaTex] How to align title and authors in the left column in ASME document

horizontal alignmenttitles

I have this template from ASME website for their conference/journal papers:




{\tensfb xxxxxxxxxxx} \\
{\tensfb xxxxxxxxx\thanks{Address all correspondence to this author.}} 

{\it TBD.}




This generates this document:

enter image description here

I want however the author, title and abstract to be part of the left column of the first page like this:

enter image description here

Can someone please point out how to do this?

Best Answer

Here is a very elementary template that replicates your requirement:

enter image description here




\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% Remove paragraph indent
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0pt}% Remove tabular column separation
  % Title
{\LARGE\bfseries This is the title}



\begin{tabular}{ l }
  \bfseries Random Randofsky \\
  \slshape Institute A \\
  \slshape Country \\
  \slshape email \\[\medskipamount]
  \bfseries Random Randofsky \\
  \slshape Institute B \\
  \slshape Country \\
  \slshape email


{\itshape \lipsum[1]}


