[Tex/LaTex] How to align multiple author’s name, roll, institute in titlepage in beamer

beamervertical alignment

I have to make a slide with two authors that means two person(a team) will present the slide in a presentation. But, I can't align team member's name and roll.

  \title{Cross-Layer  Resource  Allocation with  elastic service scaling in Cloud Radio access network}
  \author{Md.Al-Helal\\SH-51\hspace{3cm}Jobayed Ullah\\EK-107}
\institute{Computer Science \& Engineering}
  \title{Cross-Layer  Resource  Allocation with  elastic service scaling in Cloud Radio access network}
  \author{Jianhua Tang\\ Wee Pen Tay\\ Tony Q. S. Quek}
\institute{IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol 14, no. 9}
\date{September 2015}

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This may help litle https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/42709750#42709750

Best Answer

Write names in two parbox-es. And don't forget to fill the optional author parameter with the names that you want in footer.

  \title{Cross-Layer  Resource  Allocation with  elastic service scaling in Cloud Radio access network}
  \author[Md. Al-Helal, Jobayed Ullah]{\parbox{2.5cm}{\centering Md.Al-Helal\\SH-51}\hspace{1cm}\parbox{2.5cm}{\centering Jobayed Ullah\\EK-107}}
\institute{Computer Science \& Engineering}
  \title{Cross-Layer  Resource  Allocation with  elastic service scaling in Cloud Radio access network}
  \author{Jianhua Tang\\ Wee Pen Tay\\ Tony Q. S. Quek}
\institute{IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol 14, no. 9}
\date{September 2015}

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