[Tex/LaTex] How to align text on Beamer titlepage


I am creating a presentation for a thesis defense, and want to align a certain part of text on my title slide.

If I use the following



\title{This is a long title which goes over two rows}
My name\\ 
Something else \\
{\footnotesize Chair: Prof.~Dr.~Hix}\\
{\footnotesize 1. Co-chair: Dr.~Dr.~Dr.~Frankenstein}\\
{\footnotesize 2. Co-chair: Prof.~Dr.~X}
May 13, 2016
\date{ }
 some logos 




I get a standard titlepage that looks like this:

enter image description here

Now, I want to align the middle text part (list of chairs), so I tried the following:

\title{This is a long title which goes over two rows}
My name\\ 
Something else \\
\begin{tabular}{l@{ }l}
Chair:& Prof.~Dr.~Hix\\
1. Co-chair:& Dr.~Dr.~Dr.~Frankenstein\\
2. Co-chair:& Prof.~Dr.~X
University \\
May 13, 2016
\date{ }
 some logos 

which, however, only gives a bunch of errors. Strangely, placing the tabular environment into the \institute field works as intended.

\title{This is a long title which goes over two rows}
My name\\ 
Something else \\
University \\
May 13, 2016
\date{ }
\begin{tabular}{r@{ }l}
Chair:& Prof.~Dr.~Hix\\
1. Co-chair:& Dr.~Dr.~Dr.~Frankenstein\\
2. Co-chair:& Prof.~Dr.~X
 some logos 

and looks like this:

enter image description here

So, how can I achieve the placement from the first picture, but with the alignment as in the second one?

Best Answer

\author is an special command which could not accept all kind of contents. In you particular case I'd suggest to define a customized title page template where you can insert what you want.

I've taken \defbeamertemplate*{title page}... from beamerinnerthemedefault.sty (change it according your theme) and copied it into your preamble. \defbeamertemplate has been changed to \setbeamertemplate and a new beamercolorbox with chairs has been inserted between author box and institute box. You can change its contents and format as you want.



\setbeamertemplate{title page}
Chair:& Prof.~Dr.~Hix\\
1. Co-chair:& Dr.~Dr.~Dr.~Frankenstein\\
2. Co-chair:& Prof.~Dr.~X

\title{This is a long title which goes over two rows}
My name\\ 
Something else 

 some logos 




The result looks like:

enter image description here