[Tex/LaTex] How to affect the vertical gap between the glossary’s name and its body


I'm using the glossaries package for producing of nomenclature/symbols/acronyms lists, but I don't know how to influence the vertical gap between the glossary title and the first glossary entry. Namely, a smaller gap is needed. I've found a dirty hack how to make it smaller using \begingroup .. \endgroup and \titlespacing*, but is it possible to affect this gap with some glossaries-in-built means? Even when defining a new style, I don't know what property/command is responsible for this space.

\usepackage[nonumberlist, acronym, toc, section, shortcuts, nopostdot, nogroupskip]{glossaries}
\renewcommand*{\arraystretch}{1.3}  % sets the line indent in glossaries
\newglossary[ilg]{indices}{iyi}{iyg}{List of indices}

\newacronym{ECD}{ECD}{equivalent circuit diagram}
\newacronym{RES}{RES}{renewable energy source}
  description={Equivalent series resistance},
  sort=Rx1, type=symbols
  description={Indicates reference value},
  sort=ref, type=indices

\titlespacing*{\section} {0pt}{0pt}{4pt} % dirty hack
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype, style=long, title=List of Abbreviations and Acronyms]
\vspace{40pt} % Another dirty hack
\printglossary[type=symbols, style=long, title=Nomenclature]
\vspace{40pt} % Another dirty hack
\printglossary[type=indices, style=long, title=List of indices]

Best Answer

The command responsible for that space is the sectioning command used at the start of the glossary (\section* in your example). This makes it consistent with the structure throughout the rest of the document. By way of illustration:

\usepackage[nonumberlist, acronym, toc, section, shortcuts, nopostdot, nogroupskip]{glossaries}
\renewcommand*{\arraystretch}{1.3}  % sets the line indent in glossaries
\newglossary[ilg]{indices}{iyi}{iyg}{List of indices}

\newacronym{ECD}{ECD}{equivalent circuit diagram}
\newacronym{RES}{RES}{renewable energy source}
  description={Equivalent series resistance},
  sort=Rx1, type=symbols
  description={Indicates reference value},
  sort=ref, type=indices

\printglossary[type=\acronymtype, style=long, title=List of Abbreviations and Acronyms]
\printglossary[type=symbols, style=long, title=Nomenclature]
\printglossary[type=indices, style=long, title=List of indices]


Some & Text

This produces:

Image of resulting document

The gap between \section*{Sample} and the longtable is the same as the equivalent gap in the glossaries. If you really wanted to reduce this gap in the glossaries (although I don't recommend this) without changing the overall sectioning style you could redefine \glossarypreamble to add some negative space, for example:


Incorporating this into the above example:

\usepackage[nonumberlist, acronym, toc, section, shortcuts, nopostdot, nogroupskip]{glossaries}
\renewcommand*{\arraystretch}{1.3}  % sets the line indent in glossaries
\newglossary[ilg]{indices}{iyi}{iyg}{List of indices}

\newacronym{ECD}{ECD}{equivalent circuit diagram}
\newacronym{RES}{RES}{renewable energy source}
  description={Equivalent series resistance},
  sort=Rx1, type=symbols
  description={Indicates reference value},
  sort=ref, type=indices


\printglossary[type=\acronymtype, style=long, title=List of Abbreviations and Acronyms]
\printglossary[type=symbols, style=long, title=Nomenclature]
\printglossary[type=indices, style=long, title=List of indices]


Some & Text

This results in:

Image of resulting document

Here the gap for the glossaries is smaller but the gap for the sample section remains the same as before.

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