[Tex/LaTex] how to add title to column with graphics


I have divided my frame into two columns. Each column has a picture and itemized text. I am trying to add a title at the top of each column but that is not working.
I would like to have a title on the top-center of each column

    First Column
    \draw[red] (0.46,0.56) ellipse (0.9cm and 0.75cm);
    \item 1

    Second Column
    \draw[green] (0.46,0.56) ellipse (0.9cm and 0.75cm);
    \item 1


Best Answer

You are drawing on the same line as First/Second Column titles (Remember: LaTeX does not add a new line when you simply press Return on the keyboard). Adding a \centering at the begining of each column can easily fix this.

    First Column\\[.2cm]
    \draw[red] (0.46,0.56) ellipse (0.9cm and 0.75cm);
    \item 1
    \item 2
    Second Column\\[.2cm]    
    \draw[green] (0.46,0.56) ellipse (0.9cm and 0.75cm);
    \item 1
    \item 2

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