[Tex/LaTex] How to add skype & photo entries using moderncv


I'm trying to generate a CV using this code. But, I wasn't able to find how to add a skype entry to this code and another for photo one.



    \protected@edef\phonesdetails{\phonesdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
     {\LARGE\textbf{\@lastname\ \@firstname}} \\
     \@addressstreet \\
     \@addresscity  \\
     \@extrainfo \\
     \mobilephonesymbol:\ \collection@phones@item  \\
     \emailsymbol:\ \emaillink{\@email} \\
     \githubsocialsymbol:\ \httplink{\@homepage} \\




How to deal with? Any brilliant idea?

Best Answer

Make sure you have the latest version of the FontAwesome font because Skype symbol is new. Then, in the preamble add the two lines


and compile. The second line is required because \faSkype doesn't simply work out of the box.

With \faSkype\ John.Aims, for example, you can expect some thing like this:

enter image description here

Without a MWE, I cannot explain any further.

Edit: With a MWE added.

I updated my solution for your MWE, but I recommend starting your document from scratch without that ugly block \makeatletter ... \makeatother from another question here and add only the commands you need. For adding the photo, add the line \photo[64pt][0.4pt]{picture} to your personal information. Replace the picture with your actual photo. If you don't like the classic style you can use casual or oldstyle.

\extrainfo{\faSkype\ John.Aims}




enter image description here