[Tex/LaTex] Skype icon on moderncv


I am using moderncv with classic style.

I wrote my personal info on the top of the page, precisely on the left of my picture. I need to write my linkedln and skype account in the same line so as not to overcome one page for my CV.
How can I create skype icon ?
How can I write both the info of linkedln and skype on the same line with a short space in the middle?

Thank you

Edit Since the OP was not able to add the code from the comment, I do it for him/her in this 'outstanding' case. (C.Hupfer)

\documentclass[10pt,a4paper,sans]{moderncv} \moderncvstyle{classic}
\usepackage[a4paper, top=1.5cm, bottom=0.5cm, left=1cm, right=1cm,nofoot]{geometry} 
\title{Curriculum Vit\ae{}} 
 \extrainfo{Born in XXX (XXX), on June XX, XXX \\ Car owner, License Drive A, B} %\photo[60pt][0.4pt]{pictures/Fototessera_3} \begin{document} \vspace*{-15.5mm} 
\makecvtitle \vspace*{-11.7mm} \hrulefill \hspace{2pt} 


Best Answer

My suggests are to follow the guidelines presented in Skype Icon in the CV template? in order to obtain a viable S-Logo symbol. Then include the LinkedIn and Skype symbols as part of the \extrainfo content where you have more control over the placement of things:

\savebox{\skypeicon}{\includegraphics[height=.8\baselineskip]{example-image}}% https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/172191/5764

\extrainfo{\linkedinsocialsymbol~XXXX \quad \skypesocialsymbol~XXXX \\
  Born in XXX (XXX), on June XX, XXX \\ Car owner, License Drive A, B} %

In the above code snippet, there is no usage of \social and \skypeicon relies on getting an image from the linked post.

enter image description here

Here is an example using a tikz approach:

enter image description here

\usepackage[a4paper, top=1.5cm, bottom=0.5cm, left=1cm, right=1cm,nofoot]{geometry}

\firstname{V} % Your first name
\familyname{M} % Your last name

\newcommand*{\skypesocialsymbol} {%
\protect\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.08em,x=0.08em,xscale=0.022,yscale=-0.022, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\protect\path[fill=color2,even odd rule] (487.6550,288.9690) .. controls (489.0610,278.5690) and
  (489.8700,267.9960) .. (489.8700,257.2330) .. controls (489.8700,128.0770) and
  (384.5990,23.3610) .. (254.7670,23.3610) .. controls (241.8630,23.3610) and
  (229.2120,24.4210) .. (216.9010,26.4410) .. controls (194.8280,12.0570) and
  (168.5590,3.6740) .. (140.2880,3.6740) .. controls (62.7660,3.6740) and
  (0.0000,66.4820) .. (0.0000,143.9800) .. controls (0.0000,172.1780) and
  (8.2990,198.3740) .. (22.5900,220.3690) .. controls (20.6650,232.3860) and
  (19.6810,244.6920) .. (19.6810,257.2290) .. controls (19.6810,386.4050) and
  (124.8980,491.1100) .. (254.7660,491.1100) .. controls (269.4230,491.1100) and
  (283.6930,489.6840) .. (297.5620,487.1780) .. controls (319.1120,500.5470) and
  (344.4960,508.3260) .. (371.7080,508.3260) .. controls (449.2100,508.3260) and
  (512.0010,445.5020) .. (512.0010,368.0120) .. controls (511.9980,338.7190) and
  (503.0410,311.4840) .. (487.6550,288.9690) -- cycle(276.7400,429.5960) ..
  controls (202.0340,433.4870) and (167.0750,416.9590) .. (135.0500,386.9050) ..
  controls (99.2850,353.3370) and (113.6520,315.0500) .. (142.7900,313.1040) ..
  controls (171.9120,311.1590) and (189.3980,346.1160) .. (204.9410,355.8400) ..
  controls (220.4650,365.5280) and (279.5340,387.6000) .. (310.7350,351.9320) ..
  controls (344.7100,313.1040) and (288.1410,293.0120) .. (246.6760,286.9300) ..
  controls (187.4730,278.1640) and (112.7260,246.1370) .. (118.5410,183.0230) ..
  controls (124.3580,119.9490) and (172.1230,87.6090) .. (222.3910,83.0470) ..
  controls (286.4680,77.2300) and (328.1820,92.7540) .. (361.1760,120.9070) ..
  controls (399.3270,153.4360) and (378.6840,189.8010) .. (354.3770,192.7270) ..
  controls (330.1660,195.6360) and (302.9730,139.2230) .. (249.5860,138.3750) ..
  controls (194.5590,137.5110) and (157.3690,195.6360) .. (225.3000,212.1590) ..
  controls (293.2660,228.6640) and (366.0500,235.4450) .. (392.2610,297.5760) ..
  controls (418.4900,359.7130) and (351.5070,425.7010) .. (276.7400,429.5960) --

\title{Curriculum Vit\ae{}}
\extrainfo{\linkedinsocialsymbol~XXXX \quad \skypesocialsymbol~XXXX \\
  Born in XXX (XXX), on June XX, XXX \\ Car owner, License Drive A, B}

\makecvtitle % Print the CV title
\hrulefill \hspace{2pt} \today