[Tex/LaTex] How to add hyperlink to APA-style citation call-out


I use APA citation style for my article. I tried some package for APA citation, but it seems that only {apacite} with \shortciteA and \shortcite produces the desired results for references with many authors, i.e. the citation appears as "First author et al. (year)" or "(First author et al.,year)"

I would like to add hyperlink to my citation, maybe change the citation to blue and link it to the references section. I add the package hyper ref in the preamble, like this


but it does not work. Could anyone show me how to do it?

      title={Fiscal policy and growth in developing Asia},
      author={Abdon, Arnelyn and Estrada, Gemma Bolotaulo and Lee, Minsoo and Park, Donghyun},

Best Answer

First and foremost, if you wish to use the natbib-style citation commands \citet and \citep while using the apacite citation management package and the apacite bibliography style, you must load the apacite package with the option natbibapa:


Do not, repeat not, attempt to (re)create \citet and \citep via simple \let instructions.

If you follow this basic intruction, then the instruction


will behave exactly as one would expect it to.

A full MWE:

enter image description here

  title        = "Fiscal Policy and Growth in Developing {Asia}",
  author       = "Abdon, Arnelyn May and Estrada, Gemma Esther
                  and Lee, Minsoo and Park, Donghyun",
  year         = "2014",
  institution  = "Asian Development Bank",
  series       = "ADB Economics Working Paper Series",
  type         = "Economics Working Paper",
  number       = "412",
  url          = "http://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:ris:adbewp:0412",

\usepackage[natbibapa]{apacite} % be sure to set 'natbibapa' option
\usepackage[hyphens,spaces]{url} % optional, but highly recommended

\citet{abdon14}; \citep{abdon14}
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