[Tex/LaTex] how make the reference in order of occurance


I'm writing a paper in LATEX, and based on the template the reference should be in order of their appearance in content. Which package should I use for it? Now this is what I'm using:


And the template file is like this:

Son, Y., Wysk, R., and Jones, A., 2003, \newblock ``Simulation Based Shop Floor     Control: Formal Model, Model Generation and Control Interface," \newblock
IIE Transactions on Design and Manufacturing, 35(1), 29-48.


Best Answer

This example is from this site with a change in bibliography style.

The main file is like this:

\author{John Doe} \title{Sample Document}


According to the handbook of van Leunen~\cite{vanleunen},
this paragraph---and certainly this
section---should be longer than one sentence.

\section{More references}

Here we see if the reference~\cite{Narendra_1990}
to the Narendra article comes out OK, in particular,
with volume, number \& pages.

The necessary information for those who would use BibTeX
is available in the 1988 document of Prof.\ Patashnik~\cite{btxdoc}.
Interested readers who can read French may also
want to read Poussin's proof~\cite{primes}, though
it has nothing at all to do with BibTeX.


This is the concluding paragraph.  Here I cite another of
Oren Patashnik's books~\cite{btxhak} and, again,
van Leunen's and Poussin's~\cite{vanleunen,primes}.

\bibliographystyle{unsrt}   % (uses file "unsrt.bst")
\bibliography{myrefs}       % expects file "myrefs.bib"

Save this file as mydoc.tex (say). The reference file (.bib file) is

@string{jgr = "J.~Geophys.~Res."}

   author = "Charles Louis Xavier Joseph de la Vall{\'e}e Poussin",
   note = "A strong form of the prime number theorem, 19th century",
   year = 1879

   title = "The Chicago Manual of Style",
   publisher = "University of Chicago Press",
   edition = "Thirteenth",
   year = 1982,
   pages = "400--401",
   key = "Chicago"

   author = "Donald E. Knuth",
   title= "The {{\TeX}book}",
   publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
   year = 1984

   author = "Leslie Lamport",
   title = "{\LaTeX \rm:} {A} Document Preparation System",
   publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
   year = 1986

   author = "Oren Patashnik",
   title = "{Using BibTeX}",
   note = "Documentation for general BibTeX users",
   month = jan,
   year = 1988

   author = "Oren Patashnik",
   title = "Designing BibTeX Styles",
   note = "The part of BibTeX's documentation
                            that's not meant for general users",
   month = jan,
   year = 1988

   author = "Strunk, Jr., William and E. B. White",
   title = "The Elements of Style",
   publisher = "Macmillan",
   edition = "Third",
   year = 1979

   title = "A Handbook for Scholars",
   author = "Mary-Claire van Leunen",
   publisher = "Knopf",
   year = "1979"

   AUTHOR  = {Zurek, R. W. and Martin, L. J.},
   TITLE   = {Interannual Variability of planet-encircling dust activity on {M}ars},
   YEAR    = {1993},
   JOURNAL = jgr,
   VOLUME  = {98},
   NUMBER  = {E2},
   PAGES   = {3247--3259}

  author =       {K.S.Narendra and K.Parthsarathy},
  title =        {Identification and Control of Dynamical System
                  using Neural Networks},
  journal =      "IEENN",
  year =         {1990},
  volume =    {1},
  number =    {1},
  month =     {},
  pages =     {4-27},
  note =      {},
  annote =    {}

Save this file as myrefs.bib and put it in the same folder as mydoc.tex. Now you should run

  1. pdflatex
  2. bibtex
  3. pdflatex
  4. pdflatex

in this order.

For different styles have a look at this article.