[Tex/LaTex] Make part of the reference in italic


I want to put the title in italic, but it only prints out the author in italic. So I forced everything into normal text with this>


But I want to put the title of the article in italic:

A minimum example should be:

Laszlo Tabar, Ming-Fang Yen, Bedrich Vitak, Hsiu-Hsi Tony Chen, Robert
A Smith, and Stephen W Duy. "Mammography service screening and
mortality in breast cancer patients: 20-year follow-up before and
after introduction of screening". The Lancet, 361(9367):1405{1410,
April 2003.

I want to put:

"Mammography service screening and mortality in breast cancer
patients: 20-year follow-up before and after introduction of

in italic like this:

"Mammography service screening and mortality in breast cancer patients: 20-year follow-up before and after introduction of

Best Answer

The question really doesn't give enough information to provide a definitive answer, but some things can be offered. Some comments suggest using a different bibliography program. But if you wish to remain with bibtex, you can make a copy of the bibliography style (.bst file). In this case, I rename unsrt.bst to myunsrt.bst.

Programming in BST language is arcane, but in the case of making something, italic, it amounts to adding the word emphasize following the field. So, if the item in question is an @ARTICLE, then I edit the definition to add the word emphasize following format.title, as such:

FUNCTION {article}
{ output.bibitem
  format.authors "author" output.check
  format.title emphasize "title" output.check
  crossref missing$
    { journal emphasize "journal" output.check
      format.vol.num.pages output
      format.date "year" output.check
    { format.article.crossref output.nonnull
      format.pages output
  note output

Then, when I run the program


  AUTHOR = "last, first",
  TITLE = "This is the title",
  JOURNAL = "The Lancet",
  YEAR = "2014"
I will cite \cite{myref}

I get the following output, with the title emphasized (italic in this case):

enter image description here