[Tex/LaTex] hline inside a TikZ node


How can I draw a horizontal line inside a TikZ node?
I want the name of the state to be seperated from the rest of the node. How can i achieve this?



    every node/.style={%

    \node (T0)  {
        \textbf{State$_1$} \\  
        \hline \\ % <--- This is not working!
        $\overline{A}$      \\ 


Best Answer

You could try circle split:



    every node/.style={%
        circle split

\node (T0)  {
    \textbf{State$_1$} \\
    $\overline{A}$      \\ 


enter image description here

The keys are:

  1. adding to the style circle split
  2. drawing the separator as \nodepart{lower} instead of \hline

One drawback of this method is that the split line is drawn exactly at the middle of the circle. I don't know if that bothers you.