[Tex/LaTex] High degree polynomial plotting with Tikz/pgfplot


I am new to tikz/pgfplots…so sorry if my question has been asked…

I am trying to plot the tanh function using pgplots, then add a set of N points and plot the (n-1) degree polynomial passing through the points…

Here is what I have done so far:

The tanh should vary between -1 and 1 but when I try to plot a high degree polynomial, the y axis is rescaled… If I try to reduce the domain value I get an error message from pdflatex…

       width = 10cm, height= 8cm,
       xlabel = {$x$},
       ylabel = {$f(x)$},
       ymin=-2, ymax=2, xmin=-10, xmax=10]
       \addplot[domain=-10:10,smooth] gnuplot[id=tanh]{tanh(x)};
       \foreach \data in {-3,-2,-1,0,1, 2, 3}{
          \addplot[only marks, black] coordinates {(\data, {tanh(\data)})};
       \addplot[domain=-10:10, samples=25, smooth] gnuplot[id=poly]{(x^7+x^6+x^5+x^4+x^3+x^2+x)};

Any idea will be helpful!

I am trying to reproduce that figure:

tanh fitted with a degree 14 lagrangian polynomial…

enter image description here

And Here is my updated code:

      width = 10cm, height= 8cm,
      xlabel = {$x$},
      ylabel = {$f(x)$},
    \addplot[smooth] gnuplot[id=tanh]{tanh(x)};
    \addplot[only marks, samples at={-10,-8.57,...,10}]{tanh(x)};
    \addplot[samples=25, smooth, red, thick] gnuplot[id=poly]

enter image description here

Best Answer

I don't know what you want to show, but you can choose particular domains for each function which produce comparable results.

enter image description here


       width = 10cm, height= 8cm,
       xlabel = {$x$},
       ylabel = {$f(x)$},
%       ymin=-2, ymax=2
       \addplot[smooth] gnuplot[id=tanh]{tanh(x)};
       \foreach \data in {-3,-2,-1,0,1, 2, 3}{
          \addplot[only marks, black] coordinates {(\data, {tanh(\data)})};
       \addplot[domain=-1.1:0.5,samples=25, smooth] gnuplot[id=poly]{(x^7+x^6+x^5+x^4+x^3+x^2+x)};