[Tex/LaTex] Having trouble using “rSection” or “rSubsection”


In a resume I wanted to write in LaTeX, I am getting a strange error when I use the rSection as below:

\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style

\usepackage[left=0.75in,top=0.6in,right=0.75in,bottom=0.6in]{geometry} % Document margins

\name{Shakiba } % Your name

%\address{The address} % Your address


{\bf University Of California-Riverside} \hfill {\em Date} 

\\{\bf University of Tehran} \hfill {\em Date} 
\\ Bachelor of Physics\\
\\Department of Physics


The Error says:

Environment rSection undefined.

Anyone can help me with that?

Best Answer

You have two issues in your code:

{\bf University Of California-Riverside} \hfill {\em Date} 

\\{\bf University of Tehran} \hfill {\em Date} 

The blank line causes an error, delete it and


Here is the leading \ missing.

With the corrected code

\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style

\usepackage[left=0.75in,top=0.6in,right=0.75in,bottom=0.6in]{geometry} % Document margins

\name{Shakiba } % Your name

%\address{The address} % Your address


{\bf University Of California-Riverside} \hfill {\em Date} 
\\{\bf University of Tehran} \hfill {\em Date} 
\\ Bachelor of Physics\\
\\Department of Physics

\end{rSection} % <======================================================

I get the result

enter image description here

with using class resume (Medium Length Professional CV - RESUME CLASS FILE) from www.LaTeXTemplates.com.