[Tex/LaTex] Footer cannot appear on CV using res.cls


I'm trying to add a footer into a CV using res.cls. I use some commands to define the footer but it still doesn't work. Anyone can help me? Thanks.

% LaTeX resume using res.cls
\documentclass[line, margin]{res} 


\hypersetup{colorlinks, breaklinks, linkcolor=ceruleanblue, urlcolor=ceruleanblue, anchorcolor=darkpowderblue, citecolor=darkpowderblue}

%%% Redefine font type and font color of section name
\renewcommand{\sectionfont}{\scshape \textcolor{cobalt} }


\lfoot{\datestyle Firstname Lastname}
\cfoot{\datestyle Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}     % Use \thepage for counting page number
\rfoot{\datestyle Last updated: August 23, 2014}



Best Answer

That is a very old class and not included in texlive at all.

It does \pagestyle{empty} so there are no headers and footers. You can do


to use the fancyhdr settings, but then I had to define \datestyle which is used without being defined in your example

\documentclass[line, margin]{res} 


\hypersetup{colorlinks, breaklinks, linkcolor=ceruleanblue, urlcolor=ceruleanblue, anchorcolor=darkpowderblue, citecolor=darkpowderblue}

%%% Redefine font type and font color of section name
\renewcommand{\sectionfont}{\scshape \textcolor{cobalt} }



\lfoot{\datestyle Firstname Lastname}
\cfoot{\datestyle Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}     % Use \thepage for counting page number
\rfoot{\datestyle Last updated: August 23, 2014}

