[Tex/LaTex] good tutorial / getting-started-guide focused on the KOMA-Script way


So, I'm pretty new to LaTeX. I've been told in many places to use KOMA-Script document-classes instead of the standard ones; but it's also been mentioned that after doing so, you can't use a plethora of the standard functions of LaTeX safely once you do so, and you should use the ‘KOMA way’ of doing things instead?

Does anybody know of a good beginner-tutorial that has integrated KOMA-Script documentation; instead of me reading a normal LaTeX tutorial and then searching for each and every little thing in the KOMA manual to try and see if there's an alternative / better / more modern way to do it?

Best Answer

So, I'm pretty new to LaTeX. I've been told in many places to use KOMA-Script document-classes instead of the standard ones; but it's also been mentioned that after doing so, you can't use a plethora of the standard functions of LaTeX safely once you do so, and you should use the ‘KOMA way’ of doing things instead?

I have no idea which command of LaTeX fails because of KOMA-script.

Furthermore, I can't think of a package that fails completely under a KOMA-script class.

But there are rare cases were KOMA-script and a package may cause an error. For example, if you load scrlayer-scrpage and titlesec you have to decide which \newpagestyle.

So read the KOMA-script manual and proceed as described there. If you need an additional package, load it and you would be very unlucky if you as a beginner stumbled upon one of the rare cases of incompatiblity.

I've been using KOMA-script for a decade in my daily work. I doubt I even encountered five issues. I remember two (scrpage2 / titlesec and scrjura / varioref).