[Tex/LaTex] Global “ragged right” justification of report

horizontal alignment

I don't want my report justified. I want it \raggedright.

I added a \begin{raggedright} / \end{raggedright} pair around the whole document, and it is working, but I'm wondering if I can somehow include the directive at the document level (without having to enclose the entire document like that! Feels awkward.)

Best Answer

Just add \raggedright after \begin{document}.

The idea behind using an environment limits the scope of \raggedright. However, if no scope is specified, it is set globally. If you want to keep things clean, you could add \AtBeginDocument{\raggedright} in your document preamble.

A slightly more advanced form of \raggedright is provided by the ragged2e package. It provides \RaggedRight, which allows some hyphenation.