Balancing ragged right line lengths

horizontal alignmentparagraphs

I have a \section-like command that takes an optional title. The title may be empty (default), short or so long that it doesn't fit on one line. In the latter case, I would like it to be split into lines of about equal length and printed \raggedright. Is this possible?

I found other questions where the approach is to reduce the glue added at the end of each line, but I don't think I can go that route since the title may be empty and I would need the glue to stretch over the whole line in that case.

Here's a toy version of my command.


    \strut #1%





\foo{long, I mean really long, so long that it can't fit on a single line}


MWE output

Desired output:
MWE output

Best Answer

I compute the natural width of the text and then set \rightskip to the line width minus an approximate width for the lines to typeset, with some stretchability.

Also applying a rather high value for \linepenalty, we keep the number of lines at the minimum.



  \sbox0{\fooformat #1}%
   \rightskip=\dimexpr\linewidth-\wd0/\fpeval{1+round(\wd0/\textwidth)}\relax plus 4em\relax
   \strut #1\par





\foo{long, I mean really long, so long that it can't fit on a single line}

\foo{long, I mean really long, so long that it can't fit on a single line
 and even longer, but really really longer}


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