[Tex/LaTex] Get Publication/Poster List


I want to create a list of publications, posters and conference talks with LaTeX. As I can't distinguish these three reference-types by the classical BibTeX types (e.g. article, inbook,…) I though about to create three .bib files seperately and include the bibliographies of all three in a LaTeX document. For multiple bibliographies I came across multibib, but I can't get my code working:



%%%%% Articles %%%%%%
  author = {Author, A.},
  year = {2001},
  title = {A book},
  author = {Buthor, B.},
  year = {2002},
  title = {A booklet},

%%%%% Conferences %%%%%%
  author = {Author, A.},
  year = {2001},
  title = {A book Conf},
  author = {Buthor, B.},
  year = {2002},
  title = {A booklet Conf},







I am using Texmaker with TexMaker 3.2 on Ubuntu 12.04

Best Answer

When specifying the bib files, use


Then run latex or pdflatex on the tex file. This will generate two .aux files, art.aux and conf.aux. Run bibtex on these two files. Finally another latex run will give the desired result.