[Tex/LaTex] Geometric markings in the text for line segments and angles


I am looking for commands that puts marks for line segments, angles, and other geometrical entities around letters in a text. Many geometry books use a line segment with dots at the end and place it over two letters to indicate a particular line segment. Same for an arc between two points on a circle. Plain LaTeX does not allow for this. A package must be downloaded. Please give me these commands and the commands for the symbols for angles, triangle, and parallel lines.

Best Answer

Here is one way to do arc symbols



\newcommand{\arc}[1]% #1=symbols, as in \arc{AB}
{\begingroup% preserve \tempa

$\arc{AB}$, $\arc{ABC}$ and $\arc{P_1 P_2}$


The mnsymbol package contains a "filled spoon" symbol that may do the trick. You can also create symbols using tikz, but that is a huge can of worms to tackle.



\newcommand{\segment}[1]% #1=symbols, as in \arc{AB}
{\begingroup% preserve \tempa



BTW, every time you load a package from CTAN you also get documentation, albeit scattered over many folders. I recommend that you create shortcuts (links) to all these documents and put them into a single folder.

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