[Tex/LaTex] too little space between the bar on the denominator and the horizontal line


Please see below:

enter image description here

There is too little space between the horizontal line from \frac and the bar from \bar{h_1}. So, it is a little hard to read. Any alternative way to represent the upper bar? And, it is short too.

This is inline mode. In the display math mode, it is quite better. But in the inline math mode, it looks pretty bad, even with \bar{h}_1.

Best Answer

I think the problem here is that you are using inline math mode $..$ as opposed to display mode \[...\]. Here is the comparison of the output between the two:

enter image description here

with the second one producing better spacing. To obtain that you need to either use one of the following

\[\frac{\bar{p}_1}{\bar{p}_1 + \bar{h}_1}\]

$\displaystyle \frac{\bar{p}_1}{\bar{p}_1 + \bar{h}_1}$

$\dfrac{\bar{p}_1}{\bar{p}_1 + \bar{h}_1}$

Note that \dfrac requires that the amsmath package be loaded, either by including it explictly \usepackage{amsmath}, or as part some other package that already includes amsmath, such \usepackage{mathtools}.

Here is the MWE. Note that the center environment was only used to simplify the image capture.


$\frac{\bar{p}_1}{\bar{p}_1 + \bar{h}_1}$

\[\frac{\bar{p}_1}{\bar{p}_1 + \bar{h}_1}\]

$\displaystyle \frac{\bar{p}_1}{\bar{p}_1 + \bar{h}_1}$

$\dfrac{\bar{p}_1}{\bar{p}_1 + \bar{h}_1}$

To make the bar wider you can use \overline as in:

$\dfrac{\overline{p}_1}{\overline{p}_1 + \overline{h}_1}$

or adapt the xoverline from The \bar and \overline commands with which you can adjust the spacing:

$\dfrac{\xoverline{p}_1}{\xoverline{p}_1 + \xoverline{h}_1}$

or specify you want it wider with:

$\dfrac{\xoverline[1.25]{p}_1}{\xoverline[1.25]{p}_1 + \xoverline[1.25]{h}_1}$

Here is a comparison between \bar{p}_1, \overline{p}_1, \xoverline[1.25]{p}_1}, and {\xoverline[1.50]{p}_1

enter image description here



    \setbox\myboxB\null% Phantom box
    \wd\myboxB=#1\wd\myboxA% Scale phantom
    \sbox\myboxB{$\m@th\overline{\copy\myboxB}$}%  Overlined phantom
    \setlength\mylenA{\the\wd\myboxA}%   calc width diff
       \rlap{\hskip 0.5\mylenA\usebox\myboxB}{\usebox\myboxA}%
        \hskip -0.5\mylenA\rlap{\usebox\myboxA}{\hskip 0.5\mylenA\usebox\myboxB}%

$\dfrac{\bar{p}_1}{\bar{p}_1 + \bar{h}_1}$\quad
$\dfrac{\overline{p}_1}{\overline{p}_1 + \overline{h}_1}$\quad
$\dfrac{\xoverline[1.25]{p}_1}{\xoverline[1.25]{p}_1 + \xoverline[1.25]{h}_1}$
$\dfrac{\xoverline[1.50]{p}_1}{\xoverline[1.50]{p}_1 + \xoverline[1.50]{h}_1}$
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