[Tex/LaTex] Generate table with latex


How can I generate this table in Latex? I have tried various codes but did not. I would appreciate any help.

enter image description here

Best Answer

  • Let’s use tabularx so that the columns “south” and “north” would have the same length. We will define a new column type, Y, so that the content would be centered.
    • Package SIunitx to use units like gigawatt or percent
    • Package multirow for the forth row
    • For the caption : we must use tabularx in a table environment and use caption after the table

Here we go:







\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| >{\bf}c | Y | Y |}

&   \textbf{South}
&   \textbf{North}  \\

&   $\SI{1.0}{\giga \watt}$ -- $\SI{2.4}{\giga \watt}$
&   $\SI{2.9}{\giga \watt}$ -- $\SI{9.8}{\giga \watt}$  \\

    Non-synchronous energy
&   $\SI{36.5}{\percent}$
&   $\SI{16}{\percent}$ \\
    2015, in percentage
&   ($\SI{2}{\giga \watt}$ wind, $\SI{5}{\mega \watt}$ PV)
&   2017 (windfarms)    \\

& 1AC
& \multirow{2}{*}{3 HVDC} \\
&   \\



\caption{Analogy between South and North}


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