[Tex/LaTex] How to generate customized table in latex with beautiful style


I have a table with function parameter list and its short description. However, I intend to create this table in latex with beautiful style. I looked into this community, but couldn't locate the desired template that I can use for my latex project. How can I achieve my desired table in latex ? Is there any way to make this happen? Any idea please?

I created this table in MS office; I want this table in latex:

enter image description here

How can I generate above table in latex? Thanks in advance 🙂

Edit :

Thanks for diabox package, I used its example latex code like this, but don't know how to add style on output table. Any idea ?

\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline
& A & B \\\hline
1 & A1 & B1 \\\hline
2 & A2 & B2 \\\hline

Best Answer

Here's an improvement to your code. It still requires the X column type for the last column and makecell. I replaced slashbox with diagbox:

\usepackage[table, svgnames]{xcolor}
\usepackage{array, tabularx, multirow, booktabs, diagbox}


\noindent\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt}\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|c|c| >{\arraybackslash}X|} \hline
\diagbox[width = 3.5cm, height =1.2cm]{Param. list}{\raisebox{-2ex}{Name}}
& Parameter & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Description} \\\hline
\multirow{3}*{Replicate Type} & Biological & Rain most of the day\\
& Technical & Sunny with some clouds xxxx\\
\multirow{5}*{Thresholds} & $T^{s}$ (Stringent) & Rain most of the day\\
& $T^{w}$ (Weak)& Sunny with some clouds xxxx\\
& $\gamma$ & A clear day with a lot of sunshine\\
\multirowcell{2}{Multiple Testing \\correction} & FDR & Some long text. Some long text. \\\hline
\multirowcell{3}{Multiple Overlap\\ ERs treatment} & Use most stringent peak & Rain most of the day\\
& Use least stringent peak & Sunny with some clouds. some long text\\

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