[Tex/LaTex] (free) alternative to WinEdt that handles projects in a similar way


The title pretty much says it all– I'm trying to get myself onto open source, or at least freely available, software. I've been using WinEdt forever, and despite its faults, it has one killer feature that I can't seem to go without: the way it handles projects.

I'm sure I am not using it exactly as it was intended: I teach several classes, and I like to save all of the quizzes/exams/syllabi/etc. for each class in its own project file. That way, when I switch from thinking about class A to thinking about class B, I can switch projects and have all of my tex files from class B open up at the same time. WinEdt handles this perfectly by saving all the open files as a project and storing recently used projects in a drop-down menu.

Are there any other LaTeX editors that save projects similarly?

Best Answer

Try Kile. It handles projects, the shortcuts are easy to define, and it is free.

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