[Tex/LaTex] Frame number right of presentation controls


I currently use

\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]

to get frame numbers on my slides produced by the LaTeX beamer class. But the presentation controls are above them and not on the left and thus taking too much space of the slides. How can I get both the controls and the frame number in one line?

For illustration purposes a little code example:



\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]





Best Answer

Using the default theme, like your code example does, this is a solution:

\setbeamertemplate{sidebar right}{}
\hfill\usebeamertemplate***{navigation symbols}

The first line removes the right sidebar because originally the navigation symbols appear in that sidebar. I would like to use it in the footline instead together with the frame numbering. The next lines do exactly that: printing out the navigation symbols in grey (without the * you would get mixed black and grey symbols) and next to it some space followed by current and total frame number.