[Tex/LaTex] Format nomencl in table style


For my thesis I wwant to format the nomencl in the same style as the rest. Simply put this means I want the nomencl to appear as follows:

Symbol Quantity Unit

t Time s

rest of the list

The three lines shown above are respectifily \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule from the booktabs package.

I checked the nomentbl package but here I do not get the horizontal lines as required. Presuamably my skills in LaTeX hacking are not adequit enough to tackle this problem.

This is an example of an units input line:

\nomenclature[ra ]{$t$}{Time}

This is what I tried to get the lines:


But this did not work out.

Hopefully one can put me in the right direction!

Best Answer

I have no idea about how you have tweaked your nomentbl.sty. For my nomentbl.sty file, this is what I added to nomentbl.ist file to get the desired effect.

preamble "\n\\begin{thenomenclature}\n%
{lp{\\textwidth*\\real{0.6}}c!{\\extracolsep{\\fill}}lll}\\toprule  %% <------ rule here
\\multicolumn{1}{l}{Symbol}&\\multicolumn{1}{c}{Quantity}& \\multicolumn{1}
{c}{Unit}\\\\ \n %% <------ header here
\\bottomrule %% <------ rule here
postamble "\\bottomrule %% <------ rule here
\n\\end{longtable}\n\n\\end{thenomenclature}\n" keyword

This is how it looks. Beginning of the list. enter image description here

You may appropriately edit your nomentbl.ist to get this effect.