[Tex/LaTex] Soft midrule in table


3 small questions:

1) I'd like to put a soft \midrule in this table between Care type and the headers, but I'd like it to not quite reach the edge of the table: (at your discretion to mess with the layout of table )

%\usepckage{Something extra}

 \multicolumn{6}{c}{Care Type} \\
 \textbf{Direct care} & \textbf{Housekeeping} & \textbf{Mealtimes} & \textbf{Medication rounds  } & \textbf{Miscellaneous} & \textbf{Personal care} \\
 Blood pressure measurement & Equipment cleaning& Dispensing meals& Distributing medication&Call requests&Toiletting\\
 & &&&&\\
 Weights & Cleaning patient surfaces& &Injections&Bed making &Changing\\
 & &&&&\\
 SATs~\footnote{Blood sugar saturation}  & &&&&\\
 \caption{Activity type and examples of each}

enter image description here

\midrule dashed and colored in booktabs — two kinds of midrules in one booktab

2) Also is there an out-of-the box to get table footnotes in, as I don't know where mine have gone?
Footnotes tabularx-environment LaTeX

3) How to avoid the text in each cell being stretched to fill it and hence making odd hyphenations (eg. cleaning pa-tient surfaces) and or (eg. Hygiene prod-ucts)?

Best Answer

I think you are looking for \cmidrule but I also removed tabularx and the scale box commands.

enter image description here

%\usepckage{Something extra}

 \multicolumn{6}{c}{Care Type} \\
 \textbf{Direct care} & \textbf{House\-keeping} & \textbf{Meal\-times} & \textbf{Medi\-cation rounds  } & \textbf{Misc\-ellaneous} & \textbf{Personal care} \\
 Blood pressure measurement & Equipment cleaning& Dispensing meals& Distributing medication&Call requests&Toiletting\\
 & &&&&\\
 Weights & Cleaning patient surfaces& &Injections&Bed making &Changing\\
 & &&&&\\
 SATs~\footnote{Blood sugar saturation}  & &&&&\\
 \caption{Activity type and examples of each}

\noindent X\dotfill X
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