pgfplots – How to Fill Area Enclosed by Multiple Functions in One Plot


I wish to fill the area enclosed by four functions, as indicated by the hatching in red in the figure below:

enter image description here

So far I've been able to fill the area between each pair of functions, as shown below:

enter image description here

The first was produced as follows:


  \pgfmathparse{ tan(x)/( cos(x)*( 1 + 3.3*((tan(x))^2) ) ) }}
  \pgfmathparse{ 1.1*tan(x)*(1/cos(x)) }}
  \pgfmathparse{ 0.145*( ( 1 + 3.3*(tan(x))^2 ) / sin(x) ) }}
  \pgfmathparse{ 4 }}

scale only axis,
xmin=0, xmax=90,
ymin=0.1, ymax=10,

% fun1 (start stacking)
stack plots=y]
{ fun1 };
% stack difference between fun2 and fun1 on top of fun1
draw=none,draw opacity=0.0,
fill=gray,fill opacity=0.25,
stack plots=y
{ max( fun2 - fun1 , 0 ) }

% fun1
\addplot[domain=1:89,solid,line width=0.8pt,draw=black,mark=none]{ fun1 };

% fun2 (branch 1)
\addplot[domain=1:25.78,solid,line width=0.8pt,draw=black,mark=none]{ fun2 };
% fun2 (branch 2)
\addplot[domain=25.78:89,dashed,draw=black,mark=none]{ fun2 };

% fun3 (branch 1)
\addplot[domain=1:89,dashed,draw=black,mark=none]{ fun3 };
% fun3 (branch 2)
\addplot[domain=25.78:70,solid,line width=0.8pt,draw=black,mark=none]{ fun3 };
% fun3 (branch 3)
\addplot[domain=70:89,dashed,draw=black,mark=none]{ fun3 };

% fun4 (branch 1)
\addplot[domain=1:70,dashed,draw=black,mark=none]{ fun4 };
% fun4 (branch 2)
\addplot[domain=70:89,solid,line width=0.8pt,draw=black,mark=none]{ fun4 };


The 2nd and 3rd were obtained, respectively, using:

  • domain=25.78:70 and { max( fun3 - fun1 , 0 ) }
  • domain=70:89 and { max( fun4 - fun1 , 0 ) }

How can I display them on a single plot?

Best Answer

You can define a new piecewise function fun5(x) combining fun2, fun3 and fun4 and fill the area between fun1 and fun5:


    (#1>=1 && #1<=25.78)*fun2(#1) +%
    (#1>25.78 && #1<=70)*fun3(#1) +%
    (#1>70 && #1<89)*fun4(#1)}}

scale only axis,
xmin=0, xmax=90,
ymin=0.1, ymax=10,
% area
\addplot [domain=1:89,draw=none,stack plots=y]
\addplot [domain=1:89,draw=none,fill=gray,fill opacity=0.25,stack plots=y]
         {max(fun5(x) - fun1(x),0)}
% fun1
\addplot [domain=1:89,line width=0.8pt] {fun1(x)};
% fun2 (branch 1)
\addplot[domain=1:25.78,solid,line width=0.8pt]{fun2(x)};
% fun2 (branch 2)
% fun3 (branch 1)
% fun3 (branch 2)
\addplot[domain=25.78:70,line width=0.8pt]{fun3(x)};
% fun3 (branch 3)
% fun4 (branch 1)
% fun4 (branch 2)
\addplot[domain=70:89,line width=0.8pt]{fun4(x)};

enter image description here