[Tex/LaTex] Draw box around plot or fill plot area in tikz/pgfplots


I want to create a plot in tikz/pgfplots with a number of \addplot table commands. Each of the tables is the result of a simulation. I need to add a box around each simulation's result or fill the area covered by the plot. How can I do that?

I can not use the start and end coordinates of the plot (for fitting a node around them) because the start and end points can be anywhere within the area covered by the result.

Here is an mwe that illustrates the kind of plot I have:


            \addplot coordinates{
            \addplot coordinates{

enter image description here

Now I need a box around each of the plots (or a filled background). Again, using a node to fit start and end of the plots won't work because start and end don't define a rectangle that encloses the plot. The plots won't be so similar to each other with real world data.

Best Answer

You can use the \pgf@pathminx and \pgf@pathmaxy commands, which hold the current path's minimum and maximum x and y coordinates, to draw a rectangle around the plot. Here's a macro \drawplotbox that can be called at the end of the \addplot command. The style of the box is controlled by a key called plot box, the padding of the box can be set using plot box padding:


(\pgf@pathminx,\pgf@pathminy) coordinate (current plot south west)
            (\pgf@pathmaxx,\pgf@pathmaxy) coordinate (current plot north east);
            \draw [plot box] ([shift={(-135:1.41*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/plot box padding})}]current plot south west) rectangle ([shift={(45:1.41*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/plot box padding})}]current plot north east);

    plot box/.style={
        thick, rounded corners, orange
    plot box padding/.initial=5pt

            \addplot coordinates{
            } \drawplotbox;
            \addplot +[plot box/.append style=black, plot box padding=10pt] coordinates{
            } \drawplotbox;
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