[Tex/LaTex] fancyhdr package not working


So I'm using the fancyhdr package and compiling my code and it gives me no error whatsoever but it's not working, it does not display any header or footer and keeps giving me number on the bottom center of the page…
I don't understand what is wrong.
Here is my code below:








\chapter{Bibliography work}
\chapter{Material and methods}

Best Answer

Use this order:


Then fancyhdr will see the correct margin setting. For the first chapter page LaTeX automatically uses pagestyle plain which has no header and the pagenumber in the bottom centered. Redefine this pagestyle. See documentation of fancyhdr for an example.

\fancypagestyle{plain}{%  the preset of fancyhdr 
    \fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
    \fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{\thepage}} % except the center


