[Tex/LaTex] Header manipulation not working with fancyhdr package


The default plain pagestyle makes an empty header and footer except for the bottom page number. I am trying to amend some text in the header of it (since plain is default, this should effect all pages).

I have therefore dug into the fancyhdr package. It's documentation (page 8, top) gives this example code to redefine a pagestyle:

[…] fancyhdr gives you an easier way [to redefine the plain pagestyle] with the \fancypagestyle command. This command can be used to redefine existing pagestyles (like plain) or to define new ones, e.g. if part of your document is to use a different pagestyle. This command has two parameters: one is the name of the pagestyle to be defined, the second consists of commands that change the headers and/or footers, i.e.
fancyhead etc.

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{\thepage}} % except the center

What I have emphasized in bold in the quote is exactly my goal. I wish to have a specific word in the header on only a part of the document; a certain range of pages.

But I just can't make this work – not even this example code they give. Here is a clean example code (in ShareLatex for a live demo):



\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyfoot[C]{\textbf{\thepage}} % except the center
\fancyhead[C]{test text} % added text in header




This code chunk makes no change. I have copy-pasted the documentation code example and only added the line: \fancyhead[C]{test text}. It doesn't work with or without my extra line. No change.

I can't find the place I am misreading in the documentation. The explanation seems pretty simple. Can anyone point out the mistake?

Best Answer

One of the last things article.cls does is to issue


and this sets the page style to the current version of plain. Redefining plain in the preamble is therefore not enough, and you need to call \pagestyle again


This isn't mentioned in the documentation of fancyhdr since (I guess) the example is about redefining plain for \chapters, which do call \thispagestyle{empty} anyway.

The warning about \headheight is not related to this, but as Christian has pointed out in his comment you can solve it by using

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