[Tex/LaTex] fancyhdr in landscape mode: how to align header and footer correctly


My document has the following 2 features:

  1. Some page(s) are displayed in landscape mode and multi-columns, whereas the rest are in portrait
  2. Each page has a "fancy" header/footer

I found a neat solution to address 1 in a related post here, which involves changing the dimensions of the page to make it landscape. However, the problem is that given the geometry of my page, the header/footer on the landscape page looks off (i.e. footer not centered and running off the page, header not in the very upper top right). And no matter how much I played with \setlength or \vsize, \hsize, my landscape page still looks like this (see below).

How can I make sure my multicolumns are centered, my footer is centered at the bottom, and my header is in the very upper right hand corner?

enter image description here

 left=0.5in, right=0.5in, top=0.6in, bottom=1.25in

\fancyfoot[C]{my footer}
\fancyhead[R]{my header\\ \\ Page \thepage}


\setlength{\mtL}{.8\paperheight}% the next hsize

\vsize=.8\pdfpageheight % do what you like
\hsize=.8\pdfpagewidth  % do what you like



Best Answer

Here is a suggestion using a combination of packages typearea and geometry:


\usepackage[usegeometry]{typearea}% before geometry!
  left=0.5in, right=0.5in, top=0.6in, bottom=1.25in,headheight=23pt,includehead
  \KOMAoptions{paper=portrait,DIV=current}%switch to portrait
  \newgeometry{% geometry settings for portrait
    left=0.5in, right=0.5in, top=0.6in, bottom=1.25in,headheight=23pt,includehead
  \fancyhfoffset{0pt}% <- recalculate head and foot width for fancyhdr
  \KOMAoptions{paper=landscape,DIV=current}%switch to landscape
  \newgeometry{% geometry settings for landscap
    left=0.5in, right=0.5in, top=0.6in, bottom=1.25in,headheight=23pt,includehead
  \fancyhfoffset{0pt}% recalculate head and foot width for fancyhdr

\fancyfoot[C]{my footer}
\fancyhead[R]{my header\\ Page \thepage}





enter image description here

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