[Tex/LaTex] fancy text boxes like in Redhat documentation or mercurial book


I would like to have framed texts with an Icon on the side like the ones here

these text boxes are helping to emphsize text, and hg book has really nice frames around code ! which are nicer than the simple code frames I use now.

So far I found The mdframed package as a candidate for that, but the question is
how do I insert the tiny image in the side, and define internal margin ?

Can someone give a code snippet ?

** Also, another question, I love Latex, but I am thinking the following:
Since I want to publish my book online, it does make sense just to download the code of the hgbook, and learn the syntax of that XML ? would latex give me more advandages ?

Best Answer

I think bclogo can help you. Its documentation is in french but full of examples.

Some little examples:

\begin{bclogo}{Nice bclogo example}

\begin{bclogo}[couleur = blue!30,couleurBord=red!50,logo=\bcoutil]{Nice bclogo example}

\begin{bclogo}[arrondi=0.1,epBarre=0,couleur = green!30,couleurBord=orange!50,logo=\bcfeutricolore]{Nice bclogo example}

enter image description here

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