[Tex/LaTex] fancy heading … \section{} titles disappears


By combining the next two questions-answers Fancy chapter headings and Section title gradient
. I have this effect.

The problem is that the name of \section{} disappears. What is wrong?

enter image description here



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fancy heading  \section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

     \tikz[overlay] \shade[left color=LightSkyBlue,right color=white,] (0,-1ex) rectangle (\textwidth,1em);}%    

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fancy heading  \chapter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

{\gdef\chapterlabel{\thechapter\ }}{0pt}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[yshift=-3cm] at (current page.north west)
    {\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
        \draw[fill=LightSkyBlue] (0,0) rectangle
        rounded corners=20pt,inner sep=11pt,







Best Answer

With the package option explicit of titlesec, the title has to be given explicitly in the format definition, like:

     \tikz[overlay] \shade[left color=LightSkyBlue,right color=white,] (0,-1ex) rectangle (\textwidth,1em);}%    

The right place for it is usually the last mandatory argument of \titleformat, the before-code. The argument #1 expands to the title.