[Tex/LaTex] Fancy Chapter Heading


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How can I write my chapter headings in LaTeX like this?

Best Answer

The simplest approach is to use the »quotchap« package. It defines exactly this chapter style. But that is not the main purpose of this package.



enter image description here


As mentioned in a comment, you an also use »titlesec« to get that chapter style.


\newcommand{\chapnumfont}{%     % define font for chapter number
  \usefont{T1}{pnc}{b}{n}%      % choose New Chancery, bold, normal shape
  \fontsize{100}{100}%          % font size 100pt, baselineskip 100pt
  \selectfont%                  % activate font
\colorlet{chapnumcol}{gray!75}  % color for chapter number



enter image description here