[Tex/LaTex] fancy chapter title page for entire document

chaptersformattingsectioningtable of contents

How to enable this style as well for TOC and bibliographypage ?

Note that, I'm using scrreprt document class

Best Answer

Here's a variation of the code used in the answer linked in the question; with this new code the textpos package is no longer required; using \titleformat with the numberless key, one can also get the desired formatting for unnumbered chapters (\tableofcontents, for example):



\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
  (current page.north west) rectangle ( $ (current page.north east) + (0,-7cm) $);
  (current page.south west) rectangle ( $ (current page.south east) + (0,3cm) $);

  \vskip-4ex\filleft {\small\MakeUppercase{Digital Media Primer}}\\[2ex]





Am image of the resulting document showing the desired formatting for both numbered and unnumbered chapters:

enter image description here

Feel free to make the adjustments that you consider best suit your needs.