[Tex/LaTex] Exporting Definitions


Below is part of the code for my notes. I would like to "easily" create a new document displaying only the definitions, theorems, and lemmas. I can copy and paste this and just delete what I do not want, but if there is an easier way, that would be great.


\usepackage{amsmath}    % just math
\usepackage{amssymb}    % allow blackboard bold (aka N,R,Q sets)
\usepackage{amsthm} % allows thm environment
\usepackage{graphicx, framed} % allows graphics
\usepackage[none]{hyphenat} % allows graphics
\definecolor{Nt}{rgb}{1,0.08, 0.58}
\linespread{1.6}    % double spaces lines

\textwidth 6.5truein  % These 4 commands define more efficient margins
\textheight 9.4truein
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
\topmargin -0.6in

\parskip 5pt  % Also, a bit of space between paragraphs


\newcommand{\QEDend}{\linebreak \begin{flushright}\textbf{QED}\end{flushright}}
\newcommand{\QEDish}{\linebreak \begin{flushright}\textbf{$\approx$QED}\end{flushright}}
\newcommand{\done}{\hfill \mbox{\raggedright \rule{0.1in}{0.1in}}}




\parindent 30pt


\linespread{1.5}    % 1.5 space lines

\section{Course Notes}

%January 23, 2012

\subsection{Metric Spaces}

\begin{definition}The metric space $M$ is a \underline{complete metric space} if every Cauchy sequence is convergent in $M$.

$\bb{R}$ is a complete metric space\done

$C[0,1]$ is a complete metric space with $d(f,g) = \sup \mid f(t) - g(t) \mid$, $t \in [0,1]$.\done

Any closed subset $A$ of a complete metric space $M$ is complete.

Let $A \subset M$ be closed and $<x_n>$ be any Cauchy sequence in $A$. Since $M$ is a complete metric space, $<x_n>$ is convergent in $M$, so $x_n \rightarrow x \in M$. Since $A$ is closed, $x \in A$. Thus, $A$ is complete.


Best Answer

Well, there is still some missing info in your MWE, rendering it a MNWE;). But try this:





as the preamble, compile your file and look into the file short.tex. See the documentation of the extract package for more info (this is important - this package messes with internals of LaTeX and will not work for any commands, for example!). Short info: the extract* environment puts its contents into the generated file (and processes them as usual as well); generate defines the name of the generated file, and extract-cmd and extract-env specify what to extract.

Also, consider avoiding \underline and using \emph instead.