[Tex/LaTex] exam template problems


I am trying to compile my exam paper in latex. I started from a template I found on the website and I made some changes. Actually, the code I am using is the following:

\documentclass[11pt,paper=a4,answers, addpoints]{exam}
\hyphenpenalty 10000
\renewcommand\ULthickness{2pt} %%---> For changing thickness of underline
\setlength\ULdepth{1.5ex}%\maxdimen ---> For changing depth of underline

\ifcontinuation{\footnotesize Question \ContinuedQuestion\ continues\ldots}{}%
\runningheader{\footnotesize Dipartimento of Economics}
{\footnotesize Name of the course -- Code}
{\footnotesize Page \thepage\ of \numpages}
\footer{\footnotesize Student's name:}
{\ifincomplete{\footnotesize Question \IncompleteQuestion\ continues
on the next page\ldots}{\iflastpage{\footnotesize End of exam}{\footnotesize Please go on to the next page\ldots}}}






\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{logo} \par
\textit{\textbf{University of XXXX}}\par
\textit{\textbf{Dipartiment of XXXX}} \par
\textit{\textbf{Summer Session}} 
{\bf Corso di Studio}: Whatever\par
{\bf BA course code}: LM77\par
{\bf Subject}: Name of the course\par
{\bf Data}: 23 Maggio 2016 \par
{\bf Docente}: My Name
{\bf Nome}: \makebox[.4\textwidth]{\hrulefill} \par
{\bf Matricola}: \makebox[.4\textwidth]{\hrulefill} \par
{\bf Documento}: \makebox[.4\textwidth]{\hrulefill} \par
{\bf Durata}: 1.5 h + 10 minuti di lettura\par
{\bf Firma}:\makebox[.4\textwidth]{\hrulefill} 
\qformat{\textbf{Domanda \thequestion:} \thequestiontitle  \makebox[.4\textwidth]{\dotfill}
\emph{\totalpoints\ punti}\hfill}
\titledquestion{\textit{\textbf{Istituzioni e crescita economica}}}
For a surface $\vec{r}= \vec{r} (u \cos v, u \sin v, f(u))$. Write down the first fundamental form of the surface. Show that the parametric curves are orthogonal.
Explain what happens
Say if you agree


The result I get is attached. enter image description here

I am pretty satisfied with the result, although there are few things that I am not able to fix:

1) How can I add some vertical space between the line "Domanda 1" and the starting of the question? I tried \bigskip or \vspace{2ex} but nothing changes.

2) Is there any chance I can automatically set the length of the lines on the right hand side such that they are aligned to the document length? I tried to do this using \makebox[.4\textwidth]{\hrulefill} or even \makebox[2ex]{\hrulefill} but nothing changed.

Can someone help me on this?


I made some changes to my LaTeX code. The new one is:

\documentclass[12pt,paper=a4,answers, addpoints]{exam}
\hyphenpenalty 10000
\renewcommand\ULthickness{2pt} %%---> For changing thickness of underline
\setlength\ULdepth{1.5ex}%\maxdimen ---> For changing depth of underline

\ifcontinuation{\footnotesize Question \ContinuedQuestion\ continues\ldots}{}%
\runningheader{\footnotesize Dipartimento di Economia}
{\footnotesize Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche -- LM77}
{\footnotesize Pagina \thepage\ di \numpages}
{\ifincomplete{\footnotesize Question \IncompleteQuestion\ Continua nella pagina successiva \ldots}{\iflastpage{\footnotesize Fine paper di esame}{\footnotesize Please go on to the next page\ldots}}}






\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{logo} \par
\textit{\textbf{My University}}\par
\textit{\textbf{Dipartimento mine}} \par
\textit{\textbf{New one \\ Old one}} 
{\bfseries Corso di Studio}: XXX \par
{\bfseries Codice del corso di laurea}: XXX\par
{\bfseries Materia}: XXX \par
{\bfseries Data}: 23 Maggio 2016 \par
{\bfseries Docente}: XXX
{\bfseries Nome}: {\hrulefill} \par
{\bfseries Matricola}: {\hrulefill} \par
{\bfseries Documento}: {\hrulefill} \par
{\bfseries Durata}: 1.5 h + 10 minuti di lettura\par
{\bfseries Firma}:{\hrulefill} 

\noindent\fbox{\parbox{\textwidth}{{\bfseries {Istruzioni}}: Something.}}

\qformat{\parbox[t][4ex]{\linewidth}{\textbf{Domanda \thequestion:} \thequestiontitle \dotfill \emph{\totalpoints~punti}}}

\titledquestion{\textit{\textbf{Istituzioni Politiche ed Economiche}}}
Do this. \smallskip
Do that. \smallskip
Consider this.\bigskip

\titledquestion{\textit{\textbf{Politiche di Liberalizzazione e Crescita Economica}}}

The result (of the second page) is attached:

enter image description here

Is there any chance I can increase the space between the header and the beginning of the question (the red line indicates where I would like to increase the vertical space).

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Answer

Adding vertical skips will only make a difference if you can enter a paragraph break, which isn't permitted here. However, if you use a \parbox, you can determine a height greater than that of the text.

Droppint the \makebox and just using \dotfill avoids the need to specify the width.

Note that \bf and friends ought not be used in any LaTeX code written in the last couple of decades, since the release of 2e rendered those commands obsolete for this format.

\documentclass[11pt,paper=a4,answers, addpoints]{exam}
\hyphenpenalty 10000
\usepackage[paperheight=10.5in,paperwidth=8.27in,bindingoffset=0in,left=0.8in,right=1in, top=0.7in,bottom=1in,headsep=.5\baselineskip]{geometry}
\renewcommand\ULthickness{2pt} %%---> For changing thickness of underline
\setlength\ULdepth{1.5ex}%\maxdimen ---> For changing depth of underline

  \ifcontinuation{\footnotesize Question \ContinuedQuestion\ continues\ldots}{}%
\runningheader{\footnotesize Dipartimento of Economics}
{\footnotesize Name of the course -- Code}
{\footnotesize Page \thepage\ of \numpages}
\footer{\footnotesize Student's name:}
{\ifincomplete{\footnotesize Question \IncompleteQuestion\ continues on the next page\ldots}
  {\iflastpage{\footnotesize End of exam}{\footnotesize Please go on to the next page\ldots}}}






\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{tiger} \par
\textit{\textbf{University of XXXX}}\par
\textit{\textbf{Dipartiment of XXXX}} \par
\textit{\textbf{Summer Session}}
  {\bfseries Corso di Studio}: Whatever\par
  {\bfseries BA course code}: LM77\par
  {\bfseries Subject}: Name of the course\par
  {\bfseries Data}: 23 Maggio 2016 \par
  {\bfseries Docente}: My Name
  {\bfseries Nome}: \makebox[.4\textwidth]{\hrulefill} \par
  {\bfseries Matricola}: \makebox[.4\textwidth]{\hrulefill} \par
  {\bfseries Documento}: \makebox[.4\textwidth]{\hrulefill} \par
  {\bfseries Durata}: 1.5 h + 10 minuti di lettura\par
  {\bfseries Firma}:\makebox[.4\textwidth]{\hrulefill}
    \textbf{Domanda \thequestion:} \thequestiontitle  \dotfill
  \titledquestion{\textit{\textbf{Istituzioni e crescita economica}}}
  For a surface $\vec{r}= \vec{r} (u \cos v, u \sin v, f(u))$. Write down the first fundamental form of the surface. Show that the parametric curves are orthogonal.
    Explain what happens
    Say if you agree


exam, modified


Responding to the follow-up in comments, do you want something like this?

long aligned lines

If so, again, don't set the width of the \hrulefill but just let it fill the space available.

  {\bfseries Nome}: \hrulefill \par
  {\bfseries Matricola}: \hrulefill \par
  {\bfseries Documento}: \hrulefill \par
  {\bfseries Durata}: 1.5 h + 10 minuti di lettura\par
  {\bfseries Firma}: \hrulefill
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