[Tex/LaTex] Even spacing between successive textblocks (or equivalent)


I am writing a poster in LaTeX (\documentclass[a0,portrait]{a0poster})
Each block of the poster is created with textblock, like:

    \node [mybox] (box){%
         ---Some Text----
    \node[fancytitle, right=30pt,rounded corners=10pt] at (box.north
west) {\Huge{Introduction}};

The problem is that textblock takes an absolute position; so, for each textblock, I have to place the new block manually; it is impossible to place
the blocks with regular spacing (i.e. keep \vgap between two blocks
Is it possible to place the textblock with something like

\textblock{size}{x-coor, "\vspace{1cm} from the bottom of the last block"}

I don't have any commitment to textblock, so any other way of achieving
this will be appreciated.

I tried to get rid of textblock alltogether, with \vspace at the bottom
of each textblock, like


    \node [mybox] (box){%
         ---Some Text---
    \node[fancytitle, right=30pt,rounded corners=10pt] at (box.north
west) {\Huge{Introduction}};

The problem is that, as my poster has a 2-column, top-down layout, I
cannot place "blocks" in the 2nd column.

Best Answer

Might you consider the stackengine package to stack your poster blocks? The "short-stacking" mechanism allows for a constant vertical gap between stacked items. Then, you don't need to worry about absolute positioning.

\def\blockA{\fbox{\parbox[b]{2in}{Introduction\\\Large This is my text block}}}
\def\blockC{\fbox{\parbox[b]{2in}{Setup\\\Large This is my text block}}}
\def\blockD{\fbox{\parbox[b]{2in}{Results\\\Large This is my text block
  in which I share my results}}}
\def\blockF{\fbox{\parbox[b]{2in}{Conclusions\\\Large This is my text block
  in which I share my conclusions}\strut}}

\Huge Framistats of the 20th Century\\
\footnotesize Prof. Z. Courantloop\\
\Shortstack{\blockA\\ \blockB\\ \blockC}
\hskip \hgap
\Shortstack{\blockD \\ \\ \blockE \\ \\ \blockF}


enter image description here

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