[Tex/LaTex] epspdfconversion error: ‘pdftex.def Error: …. …. .pdf not found’


I am using MikTex 2.9 and TexStudio on Windows 10.

1.I have included in my preamble:

  1. In Configure TexStudio -> Commands -> PdfLateX, I have:
    pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode –enable-write18 %.tex

  2. I have a main .tex file in a directory 'XX', and I have a subdirectory 'XX/gfx' where I have stored my EPS vector graphics.

When trying to build I get:

Package pdftex.def Error: File `./converted_pdfs/VTERM1042_WT_Spikes-epspdf-to.pdf' not found. ...th=0.8\textwidth]{VTERM1042_WT_Spikes.eps}

After searching a lot about the problem on the net I tend to think it is a problem of the path to the .tex file or the path to the .eps files. My impression from reading other people's posts is that "it" does not know where to look for the eps files.

Any help is most appreciated.

Best Answer

So I took the trouble to make a test document and checked the log file. It says quite clearly

 epspdf <file> is used to convert eps->pdf (not epstopdf (script))

and a check in the docu showed (Note the epsTOpdf vs epspdf).

The package needs epspdf which is not in miktex you can find here http://tex.aanhet.net/epspdf.

(This shows again how useful a full test document is, so that one can try out the problem and see the full log-file and don't have to rely on some snippets in the question).

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