[Tex/LaTex] EPS ‘file not found’


I'm using the MiKTeX distribution with TeXStudio IDE. Here is a MWE:


\title{Nice Title}
Hello world.


If I use LaTeX, then I get the TeX capacity exceeded error. If I use LuaLaTeX, then I get a file not found error. If I include the eps extension then I get unknown graphics extension error. You can download my eps file from here, if interested.

Note: Using pdfLaTeX with epstopdf package works, but the publisher do not want that route.

Best Answer

It turns out the problem really is in the eps files. I was using Igor Pro, a data analysis software, to produce the files. Its manual states the following:

Some poorly written applications are confused by the screen preview. They ignore the EPS rules and use the size of the preview image rather than the PostScript bounding box, resulting in improper recreation of the EPS graphic. If you get unsatisfactory results, try using Igor’s Suppress Preview option. The resulting EPS will display as a plain box in most programs but will print correctly.

After removing that option everything seems fine now, although I have to use XeLaTeX and not LaTeX itself.