[Tex/LaTex] Elsarticle: pagebreak before abstract


I am using the elsarticle template and according to the preparation rules the Abstract should be presented in page 2. Yet, the newpage is ignored. Any suggestion?

Note that the Abstract is part of the frontmatter.

Here it is the setup:


\journal{Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing}



\title{Title of the Paper {\Large (Regular Submission)}}

\author{Author 1}
\author{Author 2}


%% Text of abstract


%% keywords here, in the form: keyword \sep keyword



% \linenumbers

%% main text
\section{Section 1}


Best Answer

I wouldn't bother, as they will probably use the LaTeX source for their typesetting. But if you really want to comply, here is a way:


\journal{Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing}

%% Code added to comply with the requirement that the
%% abstract is on the second page together with the keywords.
%% Remove up to the <end of patch> line for removing the patch.
%% <end of patch>



\title{Title of the Paper {\Large (Regular Submission)}}

\author{Author 1}
\author{Author 2}


Text of abstract


%% keywords here, in the form: keyword \sep keyword



% \linenumbers

%% main text
\section{Section 1}


I've also removed the now useless horizontal rules and spaced out a bit more the keywords from the abstract.