[Tex/LaTex] Drawing thick, doublesided arrows with texts between circles


This is the first time I'm using Latex to draw things, so this is all new to me.

I'm trying to draw the following

enter image description here

And I got the circles about right, but I have no idea how to draw these arrows:

enter image description here

This is my code:

\def\firstcircle{(0,0) circle (2cm)}
\def\secondcircle{(6,-8) circle (2cm)}
\def\thirdcircle{(12,0) circle (2cm)}
\begin{scope}[ fill opacity=0.8]
    \fill[red] \firstcircle;
    \fill[green] \secondcircle;
    \fill[blue] \thirdcircle;

\draw \firstcircle node[] (c1) {Verwacht};
\draw \secondcircle node[] (c2) {Afspraak};
\draw \thirdcircle node[] (c3) {Geleverd};
\draw[<->] (c1) -- (c2);
\draw[<->] (c2) -- (c3);
\draw[<->] (c3) -- (c1);

If anyone could help me with these arrows, thanks!

Best Answer

With arrows.meta from tikz v3.

      \node[fill=red,circle,minimum width=1cm] at (0,0) (c1) {Verwacht};
      \node[fill=blue,circle,minimum width=1cm] at (5,0) (c2) {Afspraak};
      \node[fill=green,circle,minimum width=1cm] at (2.5,-4) (c3) {Geleverd};
      \draw[draw=red!60!black,line width=12pt,{Latex[length=9mm]}-{Latex[length=9mm]}] (c1)  -- (c2) 
      \draw[draw=red!60!black,line width=12pt,{Latex[length=9mm]}-{Latex[length=9mm]}] (c2) -- (c3) 
\draw[draw=red!60!black,line width=12pt,{Latex[length=9mm]}-{Latex[length=9mm]}] (c3) -- (c1) 

enter image description here

Without arrows.meta (should work with tikz v2.1)

    \node[fill=red,circle,minimum width=1cm] at (0,0) (c1) {Verwacht};
    \node[fill=blue,circle,minimum width=1cm] at (5,0) (c2) {Afspraak};
    \node[fill=green,circle,minimum width=1cm] at (2.5,-4) (c3) {Geleverd};
    \draw[draw=red!60!black,line width=10pt,stealth-stealth] (c1)  -- (c2) 
    \draw[draw=red!60!black,line width=12pt,stealth-stealth] (c2) -- (c3)
    \draw[draw=red!60!black,line width=12pt,stealth-stealth] (c3) -- (c1)

enter image description here

Finally, it all boils down to the selection/design of arrow tips. While tikz v3 offers numerous possibilities, those with v2.1 are limited. Choose an arrow type as per your taste.