[Tex/LaTex] Drawing switching circuit in LaTeX


I want to draw the following switching circuit?

enter image description here

After googling I have found the linkhere, but I can not able to draw the required diagram.

Updated :


% modified code from pgfcircbipoles.sty and circuitikz1.code.tex

% create the shape
\pgfcircdeclarebipole{}{\ctikzvalof{bipoles/interr/height 2}}{spst}{\ctikzvalof{bipoles/interr/height}}{\ctikzvalof{bipoles/interr/width}}{



% make the shape accessible with nice syntax
\tikzset{switch/.style = {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\pgf@circ@spst@path, l=#1}}
\tikzset{spst/.style = {switch = #1}}


    \draw (0,0) to[switch, l=$t_0$] (2,0)
                to[spst] (2,-2);


Best Answer

A simple TikZ proposal using only lines and nodes.

Each switch is constructed by connecting the north and east coordinates of the node.

enter image description here

  \draw (0,0)--++(1,0) coordinate (P0) --++(0,1)--++(0.5,0) node [right,inner sep=6pt] (X1) {$x$};
  \draw (X1.north)--(X1.east)--++(1,0) coordinate (P1) --++(0,0.5)--++(0.5,0) node [right,inner sep=6pt] (Y1) {$y$};
  \draw (Y1.north)--(Y1.east)--++(0.5,0)--++(0,-0.5) coordinate (P2) --++(0,-0.5) --++(-0.5,0) node [left,inner sep=6pt] (Z1) {$z$} -- (Z1.north);
  \draw (Z1.west)--++(-0.5,0)--(P1);
  \draw (P2)--++(0.5,0)--++(0,-1) coordinate (P3) --++(1,0);
  \draw (P3)--++(0,-1) --++(-1,0) coordinate (Z2end) node [left,inner sep=6pt] (Z2) {$z$} --(Z2.north);
  \draw (Z2.west)--++(-1.5,0) node [left,inner sep=6pt] (Y2) {$y$} --(Y2.north);
  \draw (Y2.west)-|(P0);
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