[Tex/LaTex] Circuit Diagrams and Mesh Analysis LaTeX


So I am trying to create a very simple circuit this here is my code:

\begin{circuitikz}[american, scale = 1.5][americanvoltages]
  \draw (0,0)
  to[V=$V_{in}$] (0,2) % The voltage source
  to[R, v^<=$R_1$] (2,2) % The resistor
  to[C, v^<=$C_1$] (2,1) % Capacitor One
  to[C, v^<=$C_2$] (2,0) %Capacitor Two
  to[L, v^<=$L_1$] (0,0); %Inductor One

\draw[thin, <-, >=triangle 45] (1.25,0.5) arc (-60:170:0.5);


All that I would like to do is be able to write i_1 inside the drawn thin circle to denote current flowing throughout circuit.

Any help would be much appreciated thank you.