[Tex/LaTex] Drawing stars/similar with Tikz


I'm writing a review for a book at the moment, and I thought I'd be clever and show off what LaTeX is capable of by adding a x-out-of-y stars graphic. Tikz can do many things so I would have thought that a trick like this would be fairly trivial, however it seems that I cannot figure out a macro to draw the shapes at the right size, let alone fancy tricks such as half-filled stars or something similar. I think the code I have so far might be headed in the right direction:


  \node[star, star points=5, star point ratio=2.25, fill=black, draw](key) {S};  

I've tried to start by drawing a single star shape, but ideally I'd like to define like \starsranking{number}{total} that will output the appropriate shaded number of stars out of total. Is this doable? It doesn't sound particularly difficult.

Best Answer

Here's the code for fully filled stars, now slightly improved thanks to Andrew Stacey's answer to the checkerboard question:


  \pgfmathsetmacro\pgfxa{#1 + 1}%
  \tikzstyle{scorestars}=[star, star points=5, star point ratio=2.25, draw, inner sep=1.3pt, anchor=outer point 3]%
    \foreach \i in {1, ..., #2} {
      \pgfmathparse{\i<=#1 ? "yellow" : "gray"}
      \draw (\i*1.75ex, 0) node[name=star\i, scorestars, fill=\starcolor]  {};

\score{0}{5} A meagre result.

\score{4}{5} Much better

\score{5}{5} Perfect score!


ranking stars with tikz

And here's the much more elaborate, much more pointless, floating point scoring star macro (I'll leave the simple one in as well, it's a lot more usable):

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, calc}

  \pgfmathsetmacro\pgfxa{#1 + 1}%
  \tikzstyle{scorestars}=[star, star points=5, star point ratio=2.25, draw, inner sep=0.15em, anchor=outer point 3]%
    \foreach \i in {1, ..., #2} {
      \pgfmathparse{\i<=#1 ? "yellow" : "gray"}
      \draw (\i*1em, 0) node[name=star\i, scorestars, fill=\starcolor]  {};
    \pgfmathparse{#1>int(#1) ? int(#1+1) : 0}
      \path [clip] ($(star\partstar.outer point 3)!(star\partstar.outer point 2)!(star\partstar.outer point 4)$) rectangle 
      ($(star\partstar.outer point 2 |- star\partstar.outer point 1)!\starpart!(star\partstar.outer point 1 -| star\partstar.outer point 5)$);
      \fill (\partstar*1em, 0) node[scorestars, fill=yellow]  {};

\score{0}{5} That's appalling!

\small\score{2}{5} A meagre result.

\Huge{\score{4.4}{5} Wooo!}


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