[Tex/LaTex] Drawing specific Feynman diagram with TikZ


I would like to draw the Feynman diagram shown in the picture below with TikZ.

Edit: The code I have so far is

every vertex/.style={red, dot},
every blob/.style={draw=green!40!black, pattern color=green!40!black},
every crossed dot/.style={blue},
\vertex (a) {\(\nu\)};
\vertex [below right=of a] (b);
\vertex [below left=of b] (f1) {\(\bar{\nu}\)};
\vertex [above right=of b] (f2);
\vertex [below right=of b] (f3);
\diagram* {
(a) -- [fermion] (b)[blob] -- [fermion] (f1),
(b) -- [anti fermion,bend left,edge label=\(\bar{\nu}\)] (f2)[crossed dot],
(b) -- [anti fermion,bend left,edge label=\(\bar{\nu}\)] (f3)[crossed dot],
(b) -- [fermion,bend right,edge label'=\(\nu\)] (f2)[crossed dot],
(b) -- [fermion,bend right,edge label'=\(\nu\)] (f3)[crossed dot]

However, where the blob and the crossed dots should be, there are still simple vertices. How can I implement the blob and the two "condensate" vertices? Thanks for your help!

enter image description here

Best Answer

Use the "invisible edges" strategy suggested in tikz-feynman manual. Compile with LuaLaTeX

\feynmandiagram [vertical=f1 to f2] {
  anu [particle=\(\overline{\nu}\)] -- [fermion] b [blob],
  nu  [particle=\(\nu\)] -- [fermion] b,
  b   -- [fermion,bend right=10,edge label'=\(\nu\)] f1 [crossed dot],
  b   -- [fermion,bend left=10,edge label=\(\overline{\nu}\)] f1,
  b   -- [fermion,bend right=10,edge label'=\(\nu\)] f2 [crossed dot],
  b   -- [fermion,bend left=10,edge label=\(\overline{\nu}\)] f2,
  % In the picture below I used "[opacity=0.2]" in place of "[draw=none]" to
  % show where the edges are.
  nu  -- [draw=none] anu,
  f1  -- [draw=none] f2,

enter image description here