[Tex/LaTex] Drawing rectangle triangles with labels only in its sizes


I'm doing an exercise of integral calculus. The integral is $\int \dfrac{dx}{4-x^2}$. This integral can be solved doing $x = 2\sin\,\alpha$, and its solution is $\dfrac{1}{2}\ln\,|\sec\,\alpha + \tan\,\alpha|+C$. I need to draw a rectangle triangle to avoid doing all the tedious maths, trying to find $\sec\,\alpha$ and $\tan\,\alpha$ in terms of $x$. In the image is what I'm trying to draw.


Best Answer

With tkz-euclide:

\tkzInit[xmax=5,ymax=3] %\tkzClip[space=.5]
\tkzDefPoint(0,0){A} \tkzDefPoint(4,0){B}
\tkzLabelSegment[below,font=\footnotesize](A,B){$\sqrt{4 - x^2}$}
\tkzMarkAngle[fill= blue!40,size=1.4cm,opacity=.5](B,A,C)

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