[Tex/LaTex] Drawing parallelogram in a flowchart with the psmatrix enviroment


I'm trying to draw flowcharts and I looked at a few packages. As I'm more familiar with pstricks I chose it, and as I checked the examples I'm trying to draw it with the psmatrix environment.

Our teacher has told us that the "Initializations" should be written in a parallelogram, and when I tried to draw that in my flowchart I had no idea of what syntax should I use for a parallelogram!

Is there any specific command for that?

Should I use \psdiabox with a particular angle in order to get the parallelgram? If yes, how should I define the angle?

Here is an example of what I'm trying to draw where I want to have the red box – "Initialization" – as a parallelogram instead of a rectangle.

enter image description here


    ‎\psovalbox{Begin} \\‎
    ‎\psframebox[‎,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=red‎]{Initialisations} \\‎
    ‎\psdiabox{Special} &‎
       ‎\psframebox[shadow=true]{Call to SP1} & \psframebox[shadow=true]{Call to SP2} \\‎
    ‎\psframebox{Action 1} \\‎
    ‎\psframebox{Action 2} \\‎
    % ‎Links‎

Best Answer


  \sbox\TBox{\psTilt{\psk@gangle}{\psframebox{\phantom{ #2}}}}%
  \rput(-0.5\wd\TBox,\dimexpr 0.5\ht\TBox-0.5ex\relax){ #2}}}


    \psovalbox{Begin} \\
    \psParaBox[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=red!40]{Initialisations} \\
    \psdiabox{Special} &
       \psframebox[shadow=true]{Call to SP1} & \psframebox[shadow=true]{Call to SP2} \\
    \psframebox{Action 1} \\
    \psframebox{Action 2} \\
    % Links

enter image description here

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